Buying a new heater for your home can be a tough choice. Especially today when you have so many options to choose from. It can be quite a task to let go of that trusty old heater and get a new one. But with advanced technology, you are sure to love the new appliance with more features and give it a special place at home.  If you are looking for a heater installation in Ridgecrest, CA, this is the perfect guide to help you choose the best type. Along with each type’s pros and cons, we will also look at a few guidelines to look out for before purchasing a new heater in your house. Types of heating systems with pros and cons There are so many options for heaters available in the market. You can read more details about each below and even consult professional technicians for heater installation Ridgecrest, CA, about the different models and sizes available for these:
  • Boiler
This is the most commonly used heating appliance in the states. Boilers cost more money to both buy and run them post-installation. They function by distributing hot water or steam through the pipes in your home. Modern types use electric pumps to distribute water into the radiators for heating. Pros: Effective heating through the room. Cons: Costly and runs the risk of having frozen pipes. 
  • Furnace
Using either electricity, oil, or, more commonly, natural gas, the furnace forces air through a series of ducts. This distributes warm air into the room. This system is quick at adjusting the room temperature because, during summer months, the same ducts can be used by your air conditioner too.  Pros: Relatively inexpensive. Filters can be installed for cleaner air. Cons: Noisy fans. Can increase airborne allergens. 
  • Heat pumps 
These are the newest additions to the world of heaters. Instead of generating heat by gas, these systems use electricity and refrigerants to pull air from outside, heat it, and release it indoors. They perform the task of heating and cooling your room. Pros: Can both cool and heat homes. Energy-efficient and require no ductwork. Cons: It is only effective for mildly hot or cold climates. It can be expensive to install. 
  • Electric heating
Due to the high electricity cost, these are not the preferred choice for most home heater installation in Ridgecrest, CA. These are installed on the ceiling and catch heat via radiation. They are inexpensive and require no ductwork, pumps, or other equipment. Pros: Only require electricity and can be installed anywhere. Have silent fans. Cons: Contribute to pollution due to high use of carbon and electricity. Generate expensive electricity bills.  Things you must keep in mind before installation?
  • Heating capacity: The first thing you must find out about the appliance is the heating capacity, whether it meets your requirements or not. Your HVAC technician will guide you about the details and capacity of the heating device. 
  • Size: This is an important factor in deciding how much space, energy, and capacity your appliance will have in your home. A heater too big will take up extra space and waste energy. Too small, and you run the risk of overloading. 
  • Energy efficiency: Avoid contributing to the increasing global warming and head towards installing an energy-efficient heater. Heaters like furnaces and heat pumps are measured using AFUE and HSPF respectively, the higher these numbers, the more efficient the unit.
  • Noise: Nobody wants loud noise disturbing them 24/7 while operating the unit. Ask about the noise and sounds that the fans create while in use before installing. 
Why choose Michael’s Certified Air, Inc.?  If you are searching for heater installation in Ridgecrest, CA, Micheal’s Certified Air, Inc. is your go-to place. Our team provides you with customized and personal experience making your decision-making a whole lot easier.  We at Micheal’s have years of knowledge about everything related to heating, appliances, cost, sizing, etc., so your time doesn’t get wasted deciding on a unit. Our services include – heater repair, installation, service, tuning-up, replacement, and maintenance. Call us to get advice, information or let us help you in the entire installation process!